Animated Magical Moments
Sheridan the Sheepdog, who has appeared in the main ring at Crufts, rides around on his trike, stopping on his way to play jingles and amaze his audience by holding a conversation with them. He has proved to be extremely popular with adults and children alike. He can be dressed to suit any event. An ideal and unusual mix and mingle artiste.
Other characters available are of course Murray the Mini Monster (pictured right) and the cycling, talking animatronic parrot – Captain Beaky. For the festive season the animatronic Santa Claus is a very popular mix n’ mingle act.
Brigadier Braithwaite, a keyboard playing character who appears to play along to varied music throughout the day and catches people by surprise as he too is able to hold a conversation with your visitors as they pass by. His dress can also be changed to suit.